New ChatGPT 4o AGI Updates Will Create Millionaires And Billionaires Overnight!

Summary: MAY 20, 2024

The video transcript discusses recent updates to AI tools like ChatGPT 4 and Google Gemini that have the potential to help people make money online, either through side hustles or full-fledged businesses. The speaker, who has experience making money online over the past 25 years, emphasizes that these updates are game-changers for those looking to make money using AI. The video is split into two purposes: educating the audience on upcoming AI changes and showing how they can use current tools to generate income immediately.

Key Points with Expanded Details:

  • Character Consistency and Object Generation:
  • Explanation: AI tools like ChatGPT 4 and Google Gemini now maintain consistent design and characteristics of objects or characters across different contexts and environments. For instance, if you create a superhero giraffe, the AI will ensure the giraffe’s appearance remains consistent whether it’s placed in a desert, cityscape, or any other setting.
  • Monetization Example: This capability can be used to create a brand mascot that appears consistently across all marketing materials, including logos, social media posts, merchandise, and animated videos. Businesses can sell these mascots or offer custom mascot creation services to companies, schools, or sports teams. For example, you could design a consistent character for a children’s book series and sell it as a package or pitch it to publishers.
  • Voice Interaction:
  • Explanation: AI’s ability to understand and respond to voice commands has improved significantly, now including emotional inflection and context. This allows for more natural and expressive interactions with AI systems.
  • Monetization Example: This technology can be leveraged in customer service, where AI can interact with customers in a more human-like manner, understanding their emotional state and responding accordingly. For instance, an AI-powered virtual assistant could detect if a customer is frustrated and offer more empathetic responses or escalate the issue to a human operator. Another example is creating interactive voice-based educational apps that adapt their teaching style based on the learner’s emotional responses.
  • Content Creation and Editing:
  • Explanation: AI’s ability to create and edit content—text, images, and videos—has reached new levels of sophistication. It can now generate near-perfect infographics, edit videos by understanding both visual and audio cues, and even create custom images with text.
  • Monetization Example: This can be used to generate content for blogs, social media, or even full-fledged marketing campaigns quickly and efficiently. For example, a content creator could use AI to produce daily infographics summarizing industry news, reducing the time and cost associated with manual design. In another scenario, a YouTube creator could use AI to automatically generate video clips from longer content, optimizing them for different platforms like TikTok or Instagram.
  • Automated Posting and Scheduling:
  • Explanation: AI can now automate the posting and scheduling of content across various platforms, enabling hands-off content management. This feature taps into APIs or content feeds to gather, process, and publish content on your behalf.
  • Monetization Example: This capability can be used to manage multiple social media accounts or blogs without manual intervention, allowing you to scale your content efforts. For instance, a small business could use AI to automatically post regular updates, promotional content, or customer reviews on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. A blogger could set up a system where AI pulls the latest industry news, crafts a blog post, and schedules it for publication, all without human intervention.
  • Multi-Image Processing:
  • Explanation: AI’s ability to analyze and process multiple images simultaneously allows for in-depth analysis and content generation based on visual data. This is particularly useful for e-commerce, where product images can be analyzed and descriptions or comparisons generated automatically.
  • Monetization Example: An online retailer could use AI to generate detailed product descriptions and pricing comparisons by simply uploading images of the products. For example, an AI could analyze images of vintage toys and generate detailed eBay listings, including condition assessments and price estimates based on market trends. Another application could be in creating comparative infographics for different brands or products, such as comparing the color psychology of various company logos and how they align with brand identity.
  • Video Processing:
  • Explanation: While still in its early stages, AI’s video processing abilities are growing rapidly. This includes understanding and editing video content by analyzing both visual and auditory elements.
  • Monetization Example: This could revolutionize content creation for platforms like YouTube, where AI can automatically generate highlight reels, create video summaries, or even produce entire video essays by compiling clips based on a specific theme or keyword. For instance, a content creator could feed AI a series of motivational speeches, and the AI could compile a “Top 10 Motivational Moments” video, complete with transitions and background music.
  • AI Screen Sharing:
  • Explanation: Future developments suggest that AI will soon be able to assist users in real-time by analyzing what is happening on their screen and providing context-sensitive help, such as coding assistance, content creation tips, or instant searches.
  • Monetization Example: This feature could be particularly valuable for professionals in technical fields. For example, a software developer could use AI screen sharing to debug code in real-time, with AI suggesting fixes or optimizations as they work. Similarly, a content creator could have AI help generate ideas or write content based on what they are currently researching or viewing on their screen. For businesses, this could mean less time spent on technical support and more time on creative tasks, thereby increasing productivity and revenue.


The transcript emphasizes that these AI tools and updates are not just incremental improvements but potential game-changers that can significantly impact how people make money online. The speaker encourages the audience to start using these tools now to prepare for even more powerful capabilities in the near future, stressing that preparation and ethical use are key to maximizing these opportunities.

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